Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Beer Glasses, NOT Beer Goggles!

If you go into most bars and order a beer, chances are very high that you’ll get it in either a Pint Glass, or a Mug. Generally speaking, that’s fine. Not like we’re going to turn the beer away because it’s in the wrong glass, right?

That said, there are some glasses that are designed for different kinds of beers.

So, to help alleviate the confusion about the differences between a Wheat Beer glass and a Pilsner Glass, we’ve created the Drunk Man’s Guide to Beer Glasses.

You may never be confused about beer glasses again!

Oh, and the picture of the funky looking beer glass to the left here is a Kwak glass. They are fun to drink out of, but unfortunately they aren’t dishwasher safe.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Friday 5 o’clock Cocktail – Black Dragon

How to make a Black Dragon

Ingredients:1 Shot of Scotch Whisky1 Shot of Coffee Liqueur (Kahlua works well)1 Shot of Mint Schnapps

Directions:This is a layered drink. You can use the back of a spoon to carefully layer the alcohols on top of each other. First you put the Schnapps, then the Kahlua, then finally the Scotch.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Beer Pong Table

I found this pic of an excellent Beer Pong table on this guy's MySpace Page. While there are some commercially available beer pong tables, you really have to tip your beer to someone who takes the time to produce craftsmanship like this. I do appreciate his dedication.

If you are not familiar with Beer Pong, then never fear. We at the Drunk Man's Guide have put together a little Beer Pong rules page for you. Now, this is one of those situations where everyone has their own rules, so make sure everyone is playing by the same rules before you start.

We will also be adding more Drinking Games to the Drinking Games section over time, so if you are into drinking games, then be sure to check back often.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Martini Recipes

We may not always agree on the various concoctions that have come out claiming to be Martinis. It seems sometimes that if you put the concoction in a cocktail glass, all of the sudden it qualifies as a Martini - even if it has shrimp in it!

Now, I’m not going to jump up on a soap box here. I’ve already expressed my “purist” opinions about Martinis on another post. But suffice to say that there are a few Martini recipes that it pays to know if you want to be considered a proper Drunk.

So in the interest of being fair, we have created the Martini Page. A page that contains the top 5 Martini Recipes.

Now, WAIT! Stop right there. Don’t send us email about these recipes! Everyone has their own version, and I recognize that you may be one of those cork dorks who thinks that the Vermouth portion should be measured in atomic units. But that’s not us.

You may now view the Martini Page

Friday, January 18, 2008

Friday 5 o’clock Cocktail – Red Snapper

How to make a Red Snapper


  • 1 Shot of Almond Liqueur
  • 1 Shot of Cranberry Juice
  • 1 Shot of Canadian Whiskey

Directions:Shake with Ice and serve in an old-fashioned glass.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The Drunk Man’s Blog

I just realized that we have 10,000 pages of alcohol information on the Drunk Mans Guide, and not one quote from Norm.

We’re going to fix that right now! Following are some great lines from Norm in Cheers:
Coach: How are you doing, Norm?
Norm: Cut the small talk and get me a beer.
Woody: How would a beer feel, Mr. Peterson?
Norm: Pretty nervous if I was in the room.
Woody: Hey, Mr. Peterson, what’s up?
Norm: The warranty on my liver.
Coach: Beer, Norm?
Norm: I heard of that stuff. Better give me a tall one in case I like it.
Coach: Can I draw you a beer, Norm?
Norm: No, I know what they look like. Just pour me one.
Coach: Beer, Norm?
Norm: Does a rag doll have cloth knobs?
Coach: What would you say to a beer, Normie?
Norm: Daddy wuvs you.
Woody: Hey, Mr. Peterson, you got room for a beer?
Norm: Nope, but I am willing to add on.
Sam: What will you have, Norm?
Norm: Well, I’m in a gambling mood, Sammy. I’ll take a glass of whatever comes out of that tap.
Sam: Oh, looks like beer, Norm.
Norm: Call me Mister Lucky.
What’s doing, Norm?
“Well, science is seeking a cure for thirst. I happen to be the guinea pig.”
How’s it going, Mr. Peterson?”
I’m sorry to hear that.
“No, I mean pour.”
Talk about Oral History!! Here’s a historical Cocktail you might like to make! It’s the 10th Anniversary of the Famous Blue Dress and Monica, and the Oval Office, and Mr. Bill. To make yourself feel better, make a Lewd Lewinski. The recipe is perfect, really, try it.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Hangover Cure

Look at this picture. Do you ever feel like this? I mean this guy is the poster child for hangovers. Don't you wish there was something you could do about it?

Ok, dumb question.

Truth is that while there may not be a silver bullet cure, there are things you can do to lower the chances of getting a hangover, or lessen the severity if a hangover if one becomes inevitable.
That’s why we have developed a page dedicated to helping you avoid the ill effects of hangovers, and perhaps have a better time in the process.

Take a look at our Hangover Cure page.

Then, take a look at some Mixed Drink Recipes:

Absolut Stress

Detroit Red Wing

Red Melon

Cable Guide

Monday, January 14, 2008

Goodbye Flying Dog

This month, Flying Dog Brewery is leaving Colorado and moving its operations to Maryland.

Yes, that’s right, the hands-down winner of the WTF Label Design Prize is leaving its roots behind and running East as fast as they can. Hey, good riddance. We didn’t need ‘em anyway.

Actually, all kidding aside, they make some great beer. Hopefully this move means they are looking to ship more product overseas and give the good ‘ol U.S. of A some good international representation in the beer department.

Oh, and don’t worry about us in Colorado. We still have over 100 breweries in our state, including the little guys - Coors, and Anheuser-Busch. Combined beer production for the state of Colorado is around 35 million beers per day.

We can still party.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Friday 5 o’clock Cocktail – Siberian Dutchman

I noticed that today it snowed in Baghdad for the first time since the Mesopotamians discovered incense. So, for the troops over there in Iraq, have a Siberian Dutchman to keep you warm. If you aren't in Iraq, you can still have one, but just make sure you are facing Baghdad.

If you are Al Gore, make it a double. It'll help "warm" you up.

How to make a Siberian Dutchman:


  • 1 Glass of Coffee
  • 1 Shot of Coffee Liqueur (Kahlua is good)
  • 1 Shot of Chocolate Liqueur (Godiva is really good)
  • 1 Shot Vodka
  • 1 Splash Heavy Cream

Directions: Mix ingredients, and pour over ice into highball glass.

There are thousands more mixed drinks and cocktails at the DrunkMansGuide.com!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Homebrewing Tips - Secondary Fermentation

One fact about Homebrewers is that they love to make life more complicated than it needs to be. I know, I’m a homebrewer; and I’m as guilty as anyone on this account. For this reason I really try to separate the necessary from the unnecessary – especially when I’m teaching a beginner how to brew.As I lurk around a few of the homebrewing forums out on the Internets, one topic that often comes up is the issue of secondary fermentation.

Experienced homebrewers often like to scare beginners with horror stories of all the nasty things that will happen to their beer if they don’t use a secondary. My opinion is that this step is unnecessary for most beginners, and is more likely to cause infections for inexperienced brewers.

That said, they can be very useful under certain circumstances.

If you have questions about secondaries, we have created a page on DrunkMansGuide.com that details more than you probably care to know about conditioning and secondary fermentation. You can get to the article here: “Do You Need To Use A Secondary Fermentor?”

Today’s Featured Mixed Drink Recipes:

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

The Drunk Man’s Guide Presidential Race Drinking Game

For those of you who have been binging it and are out of the loop, it’s time to pick another President. Normally the thought of a year’s worth of political bickering and negative campaign ads would be enough to drive a man to drinking.

But we’re drunks, and we know how to have fun! That’s why we cooked up the Drunk Man’s Guide Presidential Race Drinking Game.

With this game if your candidate wins, you’re already in the celebratory mood. If someone else wins, then you’re too drunk to feel your teeth anyway, so fuck it.

Play the Drunk Man’s Guide Presidential Race Drinking Game today!

Drink Choices for Today:

Monday, January 7, 2008

Helpful Hints - How to Hide Something from Yourself

There are times when it is beneficial to forget where you put something. No, I’m not talking about your car keys when you’ve had a few too many at a friend’s house. I’m talking about serious things that could be used against you in a court of law, or the secret government plans you stole off a dead Russian, or a really good bottle of Scotch.

You need to hide these things because, let’s face it, you can’t trust you!

Up until now it has been impossible to actually forget where you put the thing because, try as you might, the more you try to forget where you put it, the more you think about where it is.

Fortunately, we at DMG Labs have developed a perfect method of hiding something from yourself. In the interest of science, we have included detailed instructions here: How To Hide Something From Yourself.

Choice Drinks For Today:

Friday, January 4, 2008

Friday 5 o’clock Cocktail – Drunk Monkey

Today marks the end of the first work week in 2008. Why not have a Drunk Monkey?

How to make a Drunk Monkey


  1. 1 1/2 oz Cranberry Juice
  2. 1 1/2 oz Pineapple Juice
  3. 1 oz Triple Sec
  4. 1 oz Melon Liqueur
  5. 1 oz Banana Liqueur


Stir Ingredients together in a Highball Glass and serve.
Over 9,000 Cocktails and Mixed Drink Recipes at www.DrunkMansGuide.com!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Beer Review – Samuel Smith Lager

I have to admit that I’m a big Samuel Smith fan. In fact, I’m such a big fan that I have the following rule of thumb when judging beer: if you need to know what a particular style of beer is supposed to taste like, just taste the Samuel Smith version and you’ll know.
So, when I decided to do a review of their Lager, I was already a little prejudiced, and my standards were probably set artificially high.

A little history on the brew.

The Samuel Smith Brewery was founded in 1852 in Tadcaster England, and it utilizes a rare fermentation technique that is almost completely extinct called the Yorkshire Square system. Essentially, the system uses square (usually limestone) fermentors that have a deck on top that captures the yeast in the head of the foamy krausen.

These yeast cells are extremely active and would be the best if you were trying to isolate the strongest cells for future batches. The yeasty foam is then kept on the deck until the next batch of beer is pumped onto the deck. The beer then drains back into the fermentor through the deck.

This system both aerates and inoculates the new batch with the yeast cells from the previous batch. The cycle repeats itself over and over, and in this way Samuel Smith has been working with the same strains of yeast since the early 20th century.

The Yorkshire Square System is expensive, difficult to do consistently, and impossible to scale up to megabrew levels. It also produces some fantastic beer. Which brings us to the Samuel Smith Pure Brewed Lager.

This beer is one of the “pure” beers that Sam Smith makes. Although it is English, it is made in the German tradition of Rheinheitsgebot whereby the only ingredients allowed into the brew are barley, hops, yeast and water.

But this is definitely an English Lager. When you pour a Sam Smith Lager, you will notice that it isn’t the same as a Czech or German style Pilsner. This is a little heavier on the malt, a little toastier, and a little lighter on the hops - as if you took a normal Lager, and gave it more body, and malt character.

If you are an Ale-lover, then this is a great Lager. If you don’t like Ale, then this English style of Lager will probably taste too thick. I won’t geek out on you and start talking about the beer’s “nose” or anything like that. I will say that it is damn good, and exactly what I have come to expect from this incredible brewery.

It is so good, in fact, that I would encourage you to be careful not to drink this Lager next to a MegaBrewed beer. Your Sam Smith’s superiority will just make the other beer jealous.

P.S. Also try their Oatmeal Stout – it’s the best I’ve ever had.

You can get more information on beer, homebrewing, and mixed drink recipes at http://www.drunkmansguide.com/.