Sound like a fine reason to drink a Manhattan to me.
3/4 oz Vermouth
Dash of Angostura Bitters
1 Maraschino Cherry
1 Twist of Orange Peel
Last week we featured the Cosmopolitan. Now, get ready for the next one. I'm not usually one to splurge on hyperbole, so please understand that when I say this drink is f*cking awesome. I really mean it is THAT good.
This drink is a little better if you put on a mask and wear some sort of red tights or a unitard. At the very least, wear a cape and a pirate hat (eye patches can also help).
This week's drink is the Captain Cosmo; which is sort of like a cosmopolitan with it's hair messed up.
I’m pretty sure I played super quarters when I was in college. I think that’s why I can’t remember any of the Thursday nights of my sophmore year.
It probably would have been better if we could have tried playing the game with something other than Icehouse sometimes.
Ahhh the memories…or lack thereof.
If you would like to get a nice game of super-quarters going at YOUR house, here are the instructions:
We have decided to start our "Reviews" section here at Drunk Man's Guide. That means that each week we will feature a new beer, liquor or wine and give you our honest opinion.
The rating scale will be in beers, and the scale goes like this:
5/5 is a "Must Try" beverage. This is a rare rating that we will only bestow on the most deserving beverages. You should definitely try these.
4/5 is a "Damn Good" beverage. If you see these in the store, then you can't go wrong with a 4/4 beverage.
3/5 is a "Good" beverage. This is worth buying - especially if it is on sale.
2/5 is an "OK" beverage. Keep it is someone gives it to you, but don't buy it. It's ok to regift a 2/5 beverage, but only to someone you don't care about, and who doesn't know much about alcohol.
1/5 is a "Only Drink it On A Dare" beverage. Don't drink this beverage even if it's free. Use it to marinate meat, or distill it for fuel; but only drink it if you are getting PAID to drink it.
Our first review is of a really good beer that we knew we wanted to include in a review as soon as we tasted it. The beer is called "Snow Plow" by Widmer Brothers, and it receives a 5/5 rating. Definitely seek out this beer and try it. Especially if you like stouts.
Since it's a seasonal, who knows how long it will be on store shelves. View our review of Snow Plow here: www.drunkmansguide.com/reviews/snowplow.php
Are you looking for a mixed drink with a little more class? The Cosmopolitan or "Cosmo" is a cousin of the Martini, but because of the fruit content, it is much easier to get into than a traditional Gin Martini - espectially if you don't like Gin!
Here's How to make a Cosmopolitan
Ingredients 1 1/2 Ounces Vodka 1/4 Ounce Triple Sec 1/4 Ounce Cranberry Juice 1 Splash Lime Juice Garnish with Lime Wedge
Directions: Combine ingredients in a mixing glass and stir. Strain into a "Martini" Glass.
Have you ever wanted to know how different kinds of liquor are made? Or, what’s the difference between different kinds of Tequila?
We’ve put together a page on Drunkmansguide.com that will lay it all out. There’s even pretty pictures that we swiped off the internet for you to look at.
You can access the new page here: How Liquor is Made
This is, of course, Super Bowl weekend. So, we aren’t going to yuck it up with a bunch of fancy-pants drinks. If you’re watching the game, then you don’t want to be busy shaking up cocktails. This weekend, it’s beer.
How to make a Beer
Ingredients:1 Can or Bottle of Beer
Directions:Open your can or bottle of beer and pour into glass. Consume. Repeat.